Butterfly bush cuttings

This is how you can take a butterfly bush cutting


Almost every butterfly lover has a Butterfly bush in the garden. The plant gives a lot of nectar and butterflies, like other insects, love it very much. There are fourteen different species of butterfly bush. The plant blooms in the months of June, July, August and September. The Butterfly bush comes in different colors. You have blue, purple, pink, gray, white, red, orange and yellow flowers. The plant can also grow quite large. At its largest, a butterfly bush grows to about one and a half to two and a half meters high. If you would like to have a butterfly bush in your garden or already have one, but don't know much about it, then this text is exactly what you need. In this text we will explain what a butterfly bush is, when it should be pruned, how to cutt it and of course how to best care for the plant.

How should you care for and maintain a Butterfly Bush?

In the fall and winter months, a butterfly bush loses all its leaves. In the spring they grow back. As we just mentioned, the butterfly bush comes in many different colors. Therefore, first look at the rest of the colors in your garden, so you can match the plant well. For a Butterfly bush cutting, it is important that the plant is in a moist and well-drained soil and place. In addition, of course, you need to water the plant regularly. In the spring it is smart to give the plant some extra fertilizer, so that the plant can grow and bloom optimally. To ensure that new flowers are regularly added to the plant and that the plant remains beautiful, it is important that you regularly remove old and spent flowers. Do not forget to prune the plant, otherwise the branches may freeze during the winter.

This is the best way to plant your butterfly bush

A butterfly bush is best planted during spring or autumn. It is not wise to plant it in the winter, because frost is more likely to occur and the plant will not be able to withstand it. The shrub does best in a sunny and warm place. Plant the butterfly bush therefore in a place where there is full sun or semi shade. The plant can not stand an acid or too wet soil, but a nutrient-rich and calcareous soil is advisable. In such soil the butterfly bush does best and you will experience the most flowering.

This is how you can propagate your Butterfly bush

Cuttings or propagation of a butterfly bush are very easy and require little effort. A butterfly bush cutting can be done by cutting off a branch of the plant and potting it up. This branch can form roots and then grow into a new butterfly bush. First of all, for a Butterfly bush cutting you need to find a long spur. You cut this off and then make cuttings about fifteen to thirty centimeters long. Then you remove the flowers and the lower leaves. The upper leaves can be left. The Butterfly bush cuttings are then placed in a pot with nutrient poor soil. For example sand mixed with potting soil. The Butterfly bush should get a little fresh water every day. After a few weeks your Butterfly bush will start to grow roots. 

Butterfly bush cuttings go to repotting

As soon as you see the roots of the Butterfly bush cuttings coming out from the bottom of the pot, you can start repotting the Butterfly bush cuttings. If you are going to transfer the Butterfly bush cuttings to a new and larger pot, it is important that you use potting soil with nutrition. The butterfly bush cuttings can now grow into new butterfly bushes. However, it is important that you water the Butterfly bush cuttings regularly. Once the butterfly bush has grown enough and has gained several branches, you can put it in your garden. Congratulations, you have now transformed your Butterfly bush cuttings into new plants.

Diseases that butterfly bushes can get

Butterfly bushes are very simple plants. They don't get sick easily and many diseases, pests and other factors don't affect butterfly bushes. Or they just don't arise there. However, your leaves can suffer from aphids, but this is of course very easy to solve. Also, the shrubs can have to deal with spider mites. This gives light spots on the leaves. All these ailments are fortunately very easy to solve with pesticides. Against aphids you often don't even have to do anything yourself, because the plant has already thought of something.

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